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cARTie's 2023 Juried Art Exhibition of Secondary School Student Art, "The Power of Art as Language"

Please click through digital images of all 32 works of art included in cARTie's 2023 Juried Art Exhibition of Secondary School Student Art, 'The Power of Art as Language.' Closed Captioning (CC) is available. Each image is accompanied by an image description written by members of cARTie's education team, as well as an audio description recorded by student leaders and members of cARTie's Student Advisory Board (cSAB), Ava Basile, Dereje Tarrant, and Hannah Gourad.


The exhibition celebrates art as our universal language. Even though we all communicate in different languages, have different abilities, and come from unique backgrounds, we can connect through art. We see how powerful art is in this exhibition that grows out of an exchange between students at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, CT and the Machakos School for the Deaf in Township, Kenya, facilitated by our partner organization, Creative Connections, this 2023. 


The exhibition is co-curated by students at the American School for the Deaf alongside cARTie's Executive Director and student interns and apprentices, Arianna Martinez, Claire Osiecki, and Nate Kolek. It is created in partnership with Creative Connections, the American School for the Deaf, the Machakos School for the Deaf, and cARTie's Student Advisory Board (cSAB), and it is made possible with the support of the National Endowment for the Arts, CT Humanities, the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, the Connecticut Office of the Arts, and the Pincus Family Foundation.

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